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Gulf Air settles the financial “irregularities” September 4, 2008

Posted by mylastresort in analysis, bahrain, random.
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Gulf Air, a Bahraini based airline, has announced that it has reached a settlement with a former senior manager who is under investigation for alleged financial “irregularities” in the company. It seems as though only foreigners are being prosecuted these days. The Gulf countries are all in dire need of some cleaning up since white collar crimes and corruption have taken over the entire spectrum of the economies.

Since most countries want to show that they are battling corruption yet, they do not want to be categorized as corrupt states therefore, Would the countries publicly announce every case of corruption or would they dismiss the cases all together?

Kuwait’s future is (blank) June 18, 2008

Posted by mylastresort in analysis.
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To those who said we have reached the bottom (and it cant get worse) I suggest we DONT wait and see who is right:


Politically incorrect policies implemented by the Parliament

One of the best examples is the politician who was accused of vote-buying in elections joins the committee on safe guarding public funds. The same parliament initiates a committee to overlook and enforce Kuwaiti customs and traditions (I have yet to meet a family who has the same customs and traditions as mine?)


Bureaucratic government policies

Government policies have proved so inefficient that a miniscule sector was created to fill the gaps. This small sector is run by friends, or acquaintances, of government sector employees who complete various tasks rapidly in return for a fixed sum.


(This example is borderline corruption/bureaucracy)



Extreme cases of corruption exist on all levels and through every sector and industry. Instead of fighting corruption in the country, Kuwait actually managed to raise its annual corruption index ratings. Money and influence (via wasta) are major sources of facilitating the damaging nature of the country.

